
jeff-davies avatar image
jeff-davies asked jeff-davies commented

Are multiple filters supported when retrieving orders?

I have a query to get an array of order for a merchant based on a date range. The Clover REST API page let me specify a date range, but when I run the query I get a "no content" response. Here is an example URL that I'm hitting:{my merchant id}/orders?filter=clientCreatedTime<=1485298800000&filter=clientCreatedTime>=1485273600000

However, if I remove either one of the filter query params, then I get content back. For example, this query works:{my merchant id}/orders?filter=clientCreatedTime>=1485273600000

Upon further investigation, this restriction seem to apply to all of the other filers also. If I specify more than one filter, regardless of type, I get the "no content" message back in the Response Body field.

Is this a known limitation? If so does it apply only to orders, or does it apply globally? Either way, if an API call does not support multiple filters, then the Clover REST API explorer should not let me define multiple filters.

Any advice or work-around would be greatly appreciated.

  • Jeff
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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

I can confirm this statement, probably because we're passing 2 times the same filter?

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