
Prasad avatar image
Prasad asked Prasad commented

Order Updation on sand box resulting error Order ID in body does not match URI

HI Guys ,

i have created an order with status "open" which is reflecting in orders table . i need to close the order after Payment . which demands to make another PUT call with basic payload :-

        "order": {
            "id": "X87MCDE5GWDM9"
         "state":"close" /// or lock 

as per the above payload the order id itself is the URI . But on PUT call leading to an error

  "message": "Order ID in body does not match URI"

can any one help me to find the URI (Uniform resource Identifier) ?

Regrads , Prasad.

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Miguel avatar image Miguel commented ·

Which endpoint are you using to update the order? If you add the payment to the order, it should automatically lock the order.

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Prasad avatar image Prasad commented ·

HI Miguel Actually i created a payment with result Success but it is not locking the order . Let me show you the response of payment . Used PUT Method with api :- /v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}. So iam trying to lock the order by updating , After Payment success it is not showing the amount in Order Total .Just showing it as Paid . could you answer for this queries as answers where i can accept . Thanks .

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Miguel avatar image Miguel commented ·

When creating a payment, you should use the following endpoint:{mId}/orders/{orderId}/payments

The body should look something like this:


For tender ID, you can find your tender IDs by using the following endpoint /v3/merchants/{mId}/tenders

I just tried, and my order now shows as "PAID" on the clover device, and 'locked' when I access via the REST endpoint. It took a few seconds to update.

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