
ypos avatar image
ypos asked David Marginian commented

Zebra Scanner Intermittent Since Software Update


Has anyone noticed the Zebra scanner taking 2-4 scans (randomly) to read a barcode since a Clover software update (2020 Clover Station Pro) approximately 1-2 months ago? Any idea if not the software update what this could be?

Thank you,

barcode scanner
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d0shrest avatar image
d0shrest answered David Marginian commented

Our zebra scanner ds2208 stopped working since last Thursday 08/26. We were told through our processor support that Clover is aware of the issue but the issue has not been resolved for 6 days. Severely impacting business and workaround of using on-board scanner is not a good option either. Support has been horrible and there is no way for Support to post the issue or let the users know when issue is fixed. Basically no ETA.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you please see the instructions for resetting the scanner here - If you have tried this in the past, please try it again as we just updated the bar code.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

The prior instructions on our page didn't have the correct bar code for all scanners. If the scanner was somehow factory reset it should be reset via the scanner's documentation. For the DS2208 -, the "Add an Enter Key" barcode should be used.

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ypos avatar image
ypos answered

Hi David: How does resetting a scanner fix the issue if you are with Clover? Wouldn't Zebra have to make the software fix within the scanner? Thanks

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ypos avatar image
ypos answered

Hi David: How does resetting the scanner fix the issue if you are with Clover? Wouldn't Zebra have to make the software change within the scanner? Thanks

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