
dti avatar image
dti asked dti commented

Items dont auto-decrement inventory with payment made via api

When applying a payment via Clover Station with an order created via the API the inventory does auto-decrement. This is the expected result.

When applying a payment via an API for an order created via API the inventory does not auto-decrement .

Do we need to pass along another value to have it auto-decrement inventory or do we need to adj the inventory via and ITEM call?

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10 |2000

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dti avatar image dti commented ·

Interestingly, on the Orders LIST it shows PAID with $0.00. But once you open the details it shows not only PAID but also displays the correct total. Then going back to the Order LIST it shows PAID and the correct total.

Also noteworthy in REPORTING for ITEMS is shows the correct number sold.

However INVENTORY remains constant unchanged.

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1 Answer

dti avatar image
dti answered

Interestingly, on the Orders LIST it shows PAID with $0.00. But once you open the details it shows not only PAID but also displays the correct total. Then going back to the Order LIST it shows PAID and the correct total.

Also noteworthy in REPORTING for ITEMS is shows the correct number sold.

However INVENTORY remains constant unchanged.

Still need help with this.

10 |2000

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