
crod93 avatar image
crod93 asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Unable to explain amounts on orders

We have a few orders that we are unable to view or explain order total amounts. For example, see the receipt attached we have a Subtotal and total tax amount of 241.20 + 24.36 = 265.56. This makes sense, however, the total paid indicates it was 292.74. I don't see anything on this order to account for this amount unless I am missing something. Please advise, thanks.


OrdersClover Android SDK
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

What happened here is that the merchant was working on the order from 2 devices. They added the discount for the syrah on device 1. Then they switched over to device 2. The discount hadn't synced to device 2 so they added it again and immediately paid. The end result was that the payment only included 1 discount because the discount from device 1 hadn't synced to device 2 by the time the payment was made, but two discounts were applied to the order. This isn't a bug on our end, it's just the way things currently work. The merchant needs to understand this is a problematic use case. If they are going to be working from multiple devices they need to make sure the order has synced to both devices.

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crod93 avatar image crod93 commented ·

Thank you for the explanation, we will relay that information.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Are you a merchant or developer? If you are a developer, did you create the order? What is the order id?

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crod93 avatar image crod93 commented ·

Thank you for your reply. Yes I am a developer, and no I did not create the order. Here is the orderId, Q7YQ6KNX38GWA.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ crod93 commented ·

Something strange happened here, I have created a ticket on our end. It looks like two discounts were submitted for the Syrah Rose (which seems to be a mistake) but the payment only considered 1 of them and the web receipt considered both.

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