We have encountered an error 'Unable to reach Callback URL' - entering our development API service URL where we would like to receive webhook events: https://example.com/clover/webhook . We work with Amazon API Gateway to accept messages & process them.
Testing it with other HTTPS addresses under the same domain without Amazon API Gateway was authenticated. We were able to reach the URL via Postman and other test methods , meaning that issue relates to authenticating with Amazon API Gateway .
The error "Unable to reach Callback URL "This issue was posted since 12/2015 till recently [ [link1](https://devask.clover.com/question/4692/unable-to-reach-callback-url/) [link2](https://devask.clover.com/question/4691/i-get-unable-to-reach-callback-url-in-webhooks/) [link3](https://devask.clover.com/question/4691/i-get-unable-to-reach-callback-url-in-webhooks/) [link4](https://devask.clover.com/question/3351/im-getting-unable-to-reach-callback-url-when-using-https-with-a-webhook-callback-url/) ]
One link suggested that may be related to SNI protocol (SSL handshake) .
No answer was provided if you are supporting this protocol and if there is a way to overcome this error ?