
michalpha avatar image
michalpha asked michalpha commented

Changing name of custom tender

We recently took over the development of a clover app that's already been published. We now find that there is a problem in displaying the full app name (tender_name) in the dropdown menu in the Sales app. But after changing the tender_name in the strings.xml files, the Sales app menu name did not change. We also tried adding:

  1. <meta-data
  2. android:name="clover.intent.meta.MERCHANT_TENDER_IMAGE"
  3. android:resource="@mipmap/{location of logo}" />

to the AndroidManifest file to replace it with our logo, to no avail.

We also thought if it is possible to delete the tender first using tenderConnector.deleteTender, but we are not sure what the tenderId is in this context.

Any clarifications or guides would be most appreciated. Thank you!

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Not certain what gets displayed in the sales app. Why don't you retrieve your tender data via the REST API ( and see what field needs to be updated and try updating via

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michalpha avatar image michalpha David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·


This "other payments" menu text is what we wish to update. Is there any way at all that this menu text can be changed once tenderConnector.checkAndCreateTender() has been run once for our app? I hear it is tied to our package name?

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