
kirank avatar image
kirank asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Payment State and captured flag

We are reviewing a few transactions and found this state on few card present transactions.

End point: v3/merchants/W...1/payments/A...8?expand=cardTransaction%2CtransactionInfo%2CexternalReferenceId

What does state == CLOSED but captured == false mean?

{ id: 'A...8',
  device: { id: '0...4' },
  offline: false,
  result: 'SUCCESS',
     cardType: 'VISA',
     entryType: 'EMV_CONTACT',
     type: 'AUTH',
     state: 'CLOSED',
     captured: false } 


This was requested as SALE but merchant is set as tips enabled so its understood type is converted to AUTH and later captured. But not sure what state = close but captured = false.

I've reviewed: and REST API:

state (string) - A state inferred from transaction type and whether the gateway captured the transaction

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

This is a bit confusing. A cardType of "AUTH" is actually a sale and does not need to be captured or closed out. Hence the state ('CLOSED') and captured (false is the default value, and, because an AUTH isn't "captured" the flag remains false).

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kirank avatar image kirank commented ·

Agree. Its hard to distingish uncaptured true-AUTH transactions and SALE transaction (as above). How can we distinguish them correctly?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kirank commented ·

I am not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish.

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kirank avatar image kirank David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

If sale is an auth, shouldn't it have captured = true?

I'm trying to retrieve transactions of any type that have not been captured into a batch. So in that, captured flag is not reflecting the right meaning.

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