
freemandev avatar image
freemandev asked freemandev commented

Customer Name Unknown after Charge v1

I'm using "Rest Api" for making charge for our website using SandBox Development Environment, the code is working but under "Customers Tab" shows Customer name as "Name Unknown" always.

How can i send customer detail with

so i can set customer detail inside "Customers Tab"

REST APICustomers
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1 Answer

freemandev avatar image
freemandev answered freemandev commented

Your mean to say there is no way to send customer information with "charge" that replace the "Name Unknown".

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freemandev avatar image freemandev commented ·

If i do card on file than the customer information go with the charge url link. directly.

Through this i can store the "Customer Detail" with the "Transactions - Payments" Tab directly ?

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