
Melvin Vy avatar image
Melvin Vy asked David Marginian answered

Tips % on Discount Service

I run into this issue on the Tips with discount on service

1. service price $100
2. Discount 10%
3. $90 send to Clover
4. Tips Suggestion choose 10%

Result the Clover will take 10% on $90
Total $90
Tips $9

My Question is can Clover take 10% on $100 as service cost before discount? because pos only send over amount need to be charge is $90


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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Assuming you are using a Remote Pay SDK, you can work-around this by passing in custom tip suggestions with an amount (the amount being a fixed dollar amount that is a % of the pre-discount total) -

const tipSuggestion1 = new clover.sdk.merchant.TipSuggestion();  
tipSuggestion1.setName("10% of pre-discount");  
saleRequest.setTipSuggestions([tipSuggestion1, ...]);

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