
mohanasundharam-murugan avatar image
mohanasundharam-murugan asked David Marginian commented

How to print the receipt automatically after order created in Clover?

We have developed an food court app and paid the bill amount via mobile app. Then it will be create an order in Clover.

As of now, we manually mark the order as paid and getting the receipt through clover device. But it consuming more time when huge number of orders placed.

But now we excepting like after successfully created an order in clover, it should be marked as paid dynamically and print the receipt automatically in the clover device. How it will be possible?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

"We have developed an food court app and paid the bill amount via mobile app. Then it will be create an order in Clover."

You create a Clover order after you pay the bill? How is the bill being paid for?

"As of now, we manually mark the order as paid and getting the receipt through clover device. But it consuming more time."

Are you are doing this manually via the Clover orders app?

"But now we excepting like after successfully created an order in clover, it should be marked as paid dynamically and print the receipt automatically in the clover device. How it will be possible?"

If the order is being paid for outside of Clover you would need a custom tender and then you would need to create a payment record for the order. You would need an app on the Clover device to handle the printing.

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mohanasundharam-murugan avatar image mohanasundharam-murugan commented ·

"Are you are doing this manually via the Clover orders app?" - Yes.

"If the order is being paid for outside of Clover you would need a custom tender and then you would need to create a payment record for the order. You would need an app on the Clover device to handle the printing." - If my assumption is right, then I need to create an application manually to do this job automatically. Am I Right?

Also my question is, Any other application is being available in clover devices?. If yes, it would be more helpful to us.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ mohanasundharam-murugan commented ·

I have seen a few third party apps in the app market that print, but I can't recommend them as I haven't used them. However, you need more then printing here (custom tender, etc.).

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