
Alan avatar image
Alan asked Alan commented

Recommended method for item tag webhook

I'm pulling a merchant's inventory using the 'tag' method:

  1. Programmatically creating a 'myApp' tag on install
  2. On insert, update, delete event in the webhook for an inventory item with a matching tag id, i'm updating our data accordingly.

I've found there are a few cases that don't trigger the webhook:

  1. Bulk adding the items to the tag from the 'tags' section
  2. Bulk applying the tag from the items editor on the web console

What do Clover recommended we tell our merchants to do?

I'm thinking of a few solutions:

  1. Individually apply our tag to each item (I'd imagine this is cumbersome, and some merchants might think they're smart by trying to bulk apply the tag?)
  2. Tag the items however they wish, but require them to trigger some kind of update manually through our system (Like an 'update inventory' button. I can see this causing issues mainly with mismatched reporting if they forget to update things through our system)
  3. Some sort of scheduled cron etc.

Appreciate any suggestions/tips!

Thanks, Alan

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

Great, thanks @Sam

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