
pateljaynish-1 avatar image
pateljaynish-1 asked cloverguy answered

Items with Variants (Liquor Store inventory)


Explaining as an Example:

I have a main product called "Henekein 30 Pack Beer" (Barcode 22445566)

It has its own cost, sell price and inventory.

Now I would like to add its variants like

1. "Henekein 18 pack" (Barcode 123456)

2. "Henekein 12 pack" (Barcode 123456)

3. "Henekein 6 pack" (Barcode 123456)

4. "Henekein Single pack" (Barcode 123456)

These are just variants of that main item that I want to sell as a different barcode.

Whenever this main item and its variants gets sold, the inventory should be deducted from the main Item only.

How can I achieve this by using the REST API?

Can someone please suggest?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

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Dan avatar image
Dan answered

Clover does not have a concept of a grouped inventory item stock. When the merchant has enabled item stock tracking and automatic stock tracking, stock is automatically deducted based on the line items with parent inventory items on an order when it is paid for.

There are endpoints to check and update item stock (e.g.

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cloverguy avatar image
cloverguy answered

I’ve always relied on third party apps like Stock or Shopventory to deplete child items from a master stock item.

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