In order to safeguard against applying coupons erroneously, I'd like to be able to check whenever an order is changed (in particular, when a lineitem is removed or its quantity decreased). As it stands, my application interacts with the transaction in the payment activity to identify coupons applicable to the customer's cart and add the appropriate discounts, but I need to remove the discounts if any items are removed. I know the Register activity broadcasts the ACTIVEREGISTERORDER, and this is sufficient to safeguard in the event that all order modifications are made through the Register activity, but couldn't other applications potentially modify the order without going through the Register activity?
My question is: does another application's modifying the order broadcast the ACTIVEREGISTERORDER Intent? If not, what is the best way to detect a removal of items from an order? Is there an unlisted counterpart to the LINEITEMADDED Intent broadcast by clover?