
barrettjacksondev avatar image
barrettjacksondev asked zgreathouse Deactivated commented

Discounts Issue with Expansion

We are having the same issue as described in this question:

This is a "real" issue. Is there a reason why the above question was closed and not answered by the Clover Development team? It seems counter productive (and risky as well) to expect additional calls to the Discount API's, as opposed to getting the appropriate information through the expand feature of an order.

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1 Answer

barrettjacksondev avatar image
barrettjacksondev answered zgreathouse Deactivated commented
Thank you for the information. We were under the impression since at the Order Level had the expand feature for discounts, it was available. I guess what we will do is compare the line totals to the order total and determine a Discounts call. Thanks. Let us know if you recommend something different.
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