
Omar Reyes avatar image
Omar Reyes asked sam Deactivated commented

Transaction failed during a sale

We're running a semi-integration with the clover mini using the remote-pay-cloud browser SDK.

Most of the time, a sale is executed and paid for without issue. But sometimes we receive a transaction failed message on the clover mini and get the following response from ICloverConnectorListener#onSaleResponse(response):

image description

This error seems to occur when paying with Apple Pay and occurs in both the sandbox and production environment. Any idea what's causing this to happen.

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1 Answer

Omar Reyes avatar image
Omar Reyes answered sam Deactivated commented

Hi Sam,

We made changes to our code and no longer receive this error. I believe the issue had to do with the connector not being disposed of correctly. If we see this issue again we will post the console logs that lead up to this error.

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Omar Reyes avatar image Omar Reyes commented ·

Sam, Please see the following two threads I created about a fail error.

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