
Shubham Bhawsar avatar image
Shubham Bhawsar asked Shubham Bhawsar commented

How to upload a same APK for Flex and Mini devices both ?

Clover device -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minimum SDK version

Station, Mobile, Mini (1st gen), Flex, Station 2018, Mini (2nd gen), Flex (2nd gen), Station Pro ------------17

Mobile, Mini (1st gen), Flex, Station 2018, Mini (2nd gen), Flex (2nd gen), Station Pro ------------------------19

Flex, Station 2018, Mini (2nd gen), Flex (2nd gen), Station Pro --------------------------------------------------------21

Station 2018, Mini (2nd gen), Flex (2nd gen), Station Pro ---------------------------------------------------------------25

Mini (2nd gen), Flex (2nd gen), Station Pro -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------26

According to configuration both Mini and flex devices need different mini SDK versions, So how can we upload this for both devices

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

I think you are reading that incorrectly. It is showing you what devices will be supported based on a minimum SDK version. So, if you set your minimum SDK version to 17 your app will support all of our devices. If you set your minimum SDK version to 19 your app will support all of our devices exception Station (1st gen), and so on.

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Shubham Bhawsar avatar image Shubham Bhawsar commented ·

We had developed a product of clover mini devices, it was working properly in mini(1-gen) devices but it is not working in Mini(2-gen) and flex(2-gen) devices, applications are getting crashed in these 2nd-generation devices, How can we make a application stable to run on 1st and 2nd generation both.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Shubham Bhawsar commented ·

That is a very broad question. I think you need to start with figuring out why your app was crashing by running it, reproducing the crash and grabbing logs. If you don't have a Flex 2 devkit and this has happened in production recently we can possibly grab logs for you if you can provide us with a device serial.

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Neeraj Shorey avatar image
Neeraj Shorey Suspended answered Shubham Bhawsar commented

Hey Shubham, Uploading & Testing APKs Make sure your APK meets the following requirements before uploading it.

here is the detailed info for that:

Thank You!

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Shubham Bhawsar avatar image Shubham Bhawsar commented ·

Thank you

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