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bradleyp asked

Semi-integration with Windows based POS

Forgive me if this is not the appropriate forum. I've tried to call into support without being able to get help.

I have a Windows based POS for my restaurant, Aldelo that has an API. I am trying to find someone who can help me develop the semi-integration piece. I contacted the integration partners listed but none of them seem interested. Aldelo has some 80k installations so I'm hoping someone could help.

I'm looking at a minimum to be able to send the invoice number and total my Clover Flex devices. Ideally I would need it to do that, and close out the ticket on the POS after the payment is made. Would be nice if the customer receipt could be sent the flex as well. Because it's not integrated, there's constantly human error in the totals, closing the checks, etc.

Can I post my contact information so I can find a developer who can help or can someone steer me in the right direction?

Thank you

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