
superdave avatar image
superdave asked David Marginian commented

Getting APIKEY in Sandbox Ecomm using Python

In Python, I used the following endpoint to try to get the access token and move on to get APIKEY in the next step, sandbox merchant is logged in before start:


SB_MID = Sandbox MerchantID

SB_CLIENT_ID = Sandbox APP ID (installed by SB_MID)

url = "{}{}{}?client_id={}".format(SB_HOST, "/oauth/merchants/", SB_MID, SB_CLIENT_ID)

response = requests.get(url)

The url will look like the following:

Two things I tried:

1) Copy and paste the URL and run it in a browser, and It will redirect me to the site preset in APP setting.

2) Run in Python, and response.text gives me a HTML page

Here is the question:

When I run it in a browser, the address bar shown the following:


I used the access token shown in the address bar of the browser and test it in

and get a 200 Response and gives me a JSON response:

{"apiAccessKey": "e1560xxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyf03523f1"

"merchantUuid": "89XXXX5691"

"developerAppUuid": "7HXXXXWBJ"

"active": true

"createdTime": 1587829007000

"modifiedTime": 1587829007000


This shown the access token is valid.

But, when I do it programatically, I cannot get the


same as shown in the browser. If I can do it, I can programatically parse the access token from the string.

Am I doing something wrong? Please keep in mind this is ecommerce, NOT web app.

e-commerce apiOAuth
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superdave avatar image superdave commented ·

For sandbox testing, I chose Token (in APP settings), click on OAUTH EXAMPLE.

and will redirect me to a page with location showing access_token=xxxxxxx

I am now HARDCODE the access_token in testing, and can obtain APIACCESSKEY programmatically inside Python.

Am I in the right track?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Just keep in mind in production you will need to follow the Oauth flow - The token will be returned to you per the request in step three.

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superdave avatar image superdave commented ·

So, in Testing, I can hardcode the access token in the code?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ superdave commented ·

Whatever works for you.

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