Generated payment receipt shows a cartoon character. Can anyone please help how to remove it?
Generated payment receipt shows a cartoon character. Can anyone please help how to remove it?
How are you printing? I know that logo is embedded in one of our sample apps.
I am just using these two lines, and getting that cartoon inside my print receipt.
PrintJob printJob = new StaticPaymentPrintJob.Builder().payment(payment).paymentId(payment.getId()).build();
printJob.print(myContext, account, printer);
Please provide a picture of what the receipt looks like and also your merchant name and environment (
Jeff, This is the link of image of receipt "".
Merchant name is "eTouchMenu" and id is "E4P5C595WSF40"
Go to the setup app > payments > disable show logo
In clover device i am not able to find such option as you mention but i have alredy setup disable logo in WEB in setup > payment receipt but its not working. it shows following image inside the receipt.
The only way an image would get added to a receipt at that spot is via the receipt registration mechanism. I suspect you installed some permutation of the receipt registration example app which adds such images to receipts, or you have otherwise implemented a receipt registration provider in some other app. The sample uses that image.
That is not just any cartoon image, it's me run through the "Simponsize Me" image filter.
Hi @jeff, could you provide a link to that receipt registration example app which adds a sample image? On clover's github we see the example for adding text, but not images. Thanks!
See: Look at the openFile()
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