
martins avatar image
martins asked Miguel Deactivated answered

Create ticket sales app with external database using clover payment

Hi, I am looking to create a android app to sell tickets with a clover device on which the ticket info is stored in a external database, but I would like to use clover payment app to process the payment.

Is it possible to build this app? If so, what would be the best practice for doing so?

Thank you, Michael

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1 Answer

Miguel avatar image
Miguel Deactivated answered

Hi Martins,

Thanks for interest in Clover! Yes, you should be able to build an app that uses an external database.

I would start by making sure you're familiar with our documentation for our Web and Android apps, depending on the type of app you're building. Also, we have sample code in our Github repro that could be useful. We don't have any best practices for specifically integrating with an external database, but you should be able to. If you are running into any specific issues, feel free to reach out.

Thanks, Miguel

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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