
dirbos avatar image
dirbos asked bobbybruce answered

How to activate the Exchange/Return button when items are discounted or modified

How can we programmatically activate the Exchange/refund Items button for a discount or modified items? Is there an App or a software enchantment in the works with Clover?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I don't believe this is currently possible:

When exchanging items, you can only exchange an item for another of equal value. You cannot exchange items that have modifiers or discounts applied.

If you want to exchange one item for another of a different value or with modifiers, you can refund the original item and then create a new order with the item the customer wants.

Some merchants recently posted a question regarding this - and I am looking into if we can change this in the future.

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bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce answered

agreed. Both of these would be nice to have. @David Marginian @dirbos

- Exchange items for items with different value

- exchange items with discounts or modifiers.

10 |2000

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