
Rohit Bhardwaj avatar image
Rohit Bhardwaj asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

How to print orders automatically only on one default order printer?


I would like to set a default order printer which would print orders automatically for my application. If merchant has a couple of clover devices with them, for now the order prints in all those devices attached printers, which is not what I want. I want that order to be printed only one default set order printer. This orders is basically an online order which the merchant would receive on their device(s) via clover notifications.

Please advice.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

There's no concept of a default printer, only a set of configured printers. If it is your app, you can have the merchant choose a printer that's configured into your app, then use that printer from then on when you print.

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Rohit Bhardwaj avatar image Rohit Bhardwaj commented ·

By default printer I mean that if a merchant has a multiple clover devices in his/her store, currently my order prints on every device printer. This is not what I want to implement in my app. I want that only one printer should print it out of all the device printers.

What do you mean by " If it is your app, you can have the merchant choose a printer that's configured into your app, then use that printer from then on when you print. "?
Can you please explain it to me how can I achieve this?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ Rohit Bhardwaj commented ·
if a merchant has a multiple clover devices in his/her store, currently my order prints on every device printer

That is not the default behavior. We do have a feature where merchants can associate items w/ order printers via labels, and when the item is printed, it will go to all printers w/ the same label. That's something the merchant explicitly sets up.

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