
wpostma avatar image
wpostma asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Clover Mini Barcode Scanning - The intent is coming back without the Barcode extra field set.

With our Clover MIni dev sandbox units, when we use barcode scanning, the intent is broadcast

Looking in the SDK sources the intent name is here:
public static final String INTENT_ACTION = "com.clover.BarcodeBroadcast";

And this part is working.

However when we try to fetch the Extra property "Barcode", that is coming back blank.

Is the extra using some other name on clover minis?

This same code works fine on Clover Flex and Clover Mobile.
barcode scanner
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Provide a pastebin link to your code, and a sample of the barcode you are trying to scan.

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