
getswift avatar image
getswift asked Frank Faustino Deactivated commented

Client login failure

@Raymond Lee
One of our clients is trying to connect to clover via our integration over OAuth. (Our app is published)
My user role is as an 'Admin\ Manager or Technical' and i am able to connect to Clover.
The client receives an error as 'Not Found'. What could be the possible issue in hand?

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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

I imagine this is happening when using OAUTH2.

  • App is not configured correctly, make sure you're using the correct app ID & merchant ID you're looking to auth with (they're not the same in PROD/Dev environments)
  • The merchant doesn't have the app installed

A little more details would help narrow it down.

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getswift avatar image getswift commented ·
@Bryanne Vega We contacted Clover support and we found out our app is not visible in the market place (although it is published) and the clients are not able to install the app to their merchants.
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Frank Faustino avatar image Frank Faustino ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, @getswift.

In order to better assist you, may I have the name of the merchant that isn't able to install your app, as well as the app ID and environment (production or sandbox)?

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1 Answer

Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered
Ensure the following:

  • Pricing is enabled for their Region (US, CA, EU)
  • At-least 1 tier of pricing is enabled, targeting that region
  • Unpublish your app, ensure your APK is published, if it is, unpublish
  • Make sure your app has at-least: title, description, headline, 1 picture, logo, privacy/terms of use, contact number/email
  • Publish APK
  • Publish APP
You're welcome to PM if it still doesn't help as a look might be needed.
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