I meant 'free trial ends middle of month.' If Clover app market regularizes all merchants billing based on 1st month, do we assume metered purchases (credits for use the same calendar month) will expire last day of month ? [if answer is a simple YES. the we will guide new merchants to buy the smaller Qty of metered credits, enough to last 2 weeks to month end]
Can Clover advise when we should send Metered Events count for a calendar month ?
Last night of month ? or 1st morning next month:
Example: Merchant has 20 metered events in January.
Merchant should be charged for these events in February.
Should we create an app billing metered events [A] or [B]
[ A ] 31st of January before midnight (what timezone?)
[ B ] 1st of February (when?)
On the first of the month bills for metered events in arrears.
I will try to find the timezone info you are requesting.
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