
test-1 avatar image
test-1 asked test-1 edited

What is the API of Payment Refund?

@Chanel, @racheladmin, @Michael, @Clover_FAQ, @clover912, @Clover, @Tim Suh , @glenn at clover , @cloverpayint , @CloverDev16 , @hicloverdev , @joncloverdev , @CloverDevV , @Jason
How to refund pa
yment ? please provide the full api ?I have body parameters : `{ ount": 50.0, "orderId": "F95QRACYTSC6R", "paymentId": "6HRRYBC8FAP7Y", "isFullRefund": true}`
10 |2000

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered
Please provide information on how you are trying to integrate. Clover semi integrations utilize our Clover Connector API. There is no URL, you call our API from your application - Your platform will determine what Clover Connector API to use. If you are trying to refund a payment via the REST API, I do not believe that is available.
10 |2000

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test-1 avatar image
test-1 answered test-1 edited
Hi All @David Marginian @Chanel, @racheladmin, @Michael, @Clover_FAQ, @clover912, @Clover I have using this api to pay the payment `
body parameter is : { "orderId": "F95QRACYTSC6R", "expMonth": 11, "cvv": "282", "amount": 50.0, "currency": "usd", "last4": "5646", "expYear": 2027, "first6": "373071", "cardEncrypted": "PitxTxBCVJe09ldtxkOE+L+ZJ30w8XbZ6MlHLjcO0xIhloxUf4krSDF2XYhYpEDagWAsRfB1DzOQa9CWl96bR1V/nr6kHs7hhzJkhDQACT2SD31D2HQcCLbI2xFOkWddwpqh0FH0fYMmSCk2Jbxmqh5ZwGnaxYVozYruDPG+lCd9uMyQabhOFMBczRUB/9d/il7+HW1yqVRoxYrEfsDJMhG6wLvtf2nV99lpPkXrvjkmssb2Z5dDAHbwRcdMSyP1GtOVxavpPhQa5y0Cg7p3+HtHDN5ZK3aIJBXl/MCjjJsq45B7t10p4QzvsdCsxUg9y40mNqkhoUX3sA9rOqCHgg=="}
But now i want to refund payment so please provide me api url and body parameterd dumy data.

10 |2000

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