
deepika avatar image
deepika asked issac459 answered

We need clover Go API Key and GO Secret for our clover Go integration with android tablet.

Hi there, We are working on integration of clover Go Device with android tablet. We are able to successfully integrate the Clover Go SDK but when we try to connect our clover GO Sandbox device with our application the application gets crashed with error failed to load card reader data.

According to the Clover Go Github repository steps guide,code base and comments we got to know that we require Clover GO API key and Go Secret . Please help us getting these information as we tried to reach out to but got no response so far. @Sam@justin.a@keithryanwong@Greg@Jeffrey BlattmanRaymond Lee ♦♦Mark Mullan ♦@kedar.deo @varsha.a

semi-integrationsClover Go
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1 Answer

issac459 avatar image
issac459 answered

To obtain the Clover Go API key and Go Secret for integration, you may need to ensure you have the correct access rights for your Clover Go account. If you're still facing issues with connecting to the sandbox, you might want to reach out directly through the Clover Developer portal or support channels for further assistance. For any other inquiries, you can check your Pesco duplicate bill for account-related details such as the 14-digit bill reference.

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