
brother-richard avatar image
brother-richard asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

need to replace certificate for custom app

We have developed a custom tender app. It is installed on close to 100 stations and is working wonderfully. However, we no longer have access to the passwords used to create the original .jks file and therefore can not create a signed .apk file to make any updates to the app.

We created a new app using the same code with a new .jks file created from a new certificate, but Clover is not letting it upload (to the sandbox area) because the package name is already in use by the original app.

I'd really rather just be able to replace the certificate for the original app so I can update it directly. The only reason for the new app was in an attempt to get around the (unnecessary in my opinion) restriction of using the same certificate. Can anyone help with this?
App Market
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
You need to create a new app, with a new package and migrate your merchants. Whatever kind of munging we might do in our cloud to allow your APK to be uploaded, devices will not install it.

You can read more about the purpose of signing keys here:

The bit about "google managed keys" doesn't apply to Clover apps. Clover does not manage developer keys.
10 |2000

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