I created a sandbox account, created an app and uploaded my release signed APK. I then clicked on Preview in App Market, and installed the APK on my test merchant account (also sandbox). On my station-2018 emulator running sandbox apks, I get the App Update notification and install the app I just uploaded. SO FAR SO GOOD! Now, I make a change to the APK and try installing it (the release version):
adb: failed to install app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.test.test signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!]
Turns out, the APK I uploaded is re-signed. I verified that by checking the certificates of the one I uploaded and the one that's downloaded.
My APK now has two certs (CLOVER.RSA, the new one and mine, CERT.RSA)
cert=META-INF/CLOVER.RSA META-INF/CERT.RSA Owner: CN=Jeffrey Blattman, OU=Clover Network Inc., O=Clover Network Inc., L=Mountain View, ST=CA, C=US
How am I supposed to side-load updated versions if the cert is changed? The guide states that this shouldn't happen, so what's going on here??
The guide states:
Before you can sideload your app onto your device for testing, you must upload your APK to the Clover App Market, then download it onto your device. You will only need to do this once. Afterward, you'll be able to sideload new versions of your app onto the device directly.