
m1k2 avatar image
m1k2 asked zgreathouse Deactivated edited

How do we get LineItems priceWithModifiersAndItemAndOrderDiscounts from the API

How do we get LineItems priceWithModifiersAndItemAndOrderDiscounts from the API? It's not returning any detail when this is expanded. Thank you
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1 Answer

Frank Faustino avatar image
Frank Faustino Deactivated answered zgreathouse Deactivated edited
The priceWithModifiersAndItemAndOrderDiscounts and priceWithModifiers fields are only used internally for reporting. In order to calculate the total price with modifiers and discounts applied, use the following endpoints:

Get order line items and price of modifiers:

Get all discounts for an order:
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zgreathouse avatar image zgreathouse commented ·

Get all lineItem discounts for an order:

GET v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/orderId/line_items?expand=discounts
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