
tulasi avatar image
tulasi asked David Marginian commented

failureMessage: 'INV TRAN' on sandbox environment

I am using sandbox account and trying to add payments.
I am using the test credit card details 4264281511117771
["paymentId" => "GY1RFDCK18ETT" , "result" => "DECLINED", "failureMessage" => "INV TRAN"]
I am using php. this is how i encrypted credit card num:

$rsa = new phpseclib\Crypt\RSA();
    'e' => new BigInteger(base64_decode($getPay["exponent"]), 256),
    'n' => new BigInteger(base64_decode($getPay["modulus"]), 256)
$card = base64_encode($rsa->encrypt($getPay["prefix"].'4264281511117771'));

Please help me with this issue.
Developer Pay API
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1 Answer

tulasi avatar image
tulasi answered David Marginian commented
I solved it. I should not restrict the RSA to 256. When i removed that it worked.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

ezpays avatar image ezpays commented ·

Hi, I am new for clover api. I am getting the same error like your post. How did you remove 256?

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ezpays avatar image ezpays commented ·

can I see your code to be removed 256 what you said?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ezpays commented ·

ezpays, please do not cross-post. I have answered your other thread.

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