
jatin-patel avatar image
jatin-patel asked Bryanne Vega answered

Error Message FORBIDDEN on app on Clover Station 2018 only...

We get error message ResultStatus{statusCode=FORBIDDEN, statusMessage=App doesn't have required permission: package us.appheaven.couponsncombs does not have permission INVENTORY_R on our app.

The app has been out for years and works on all devices but gives this error on some Clover Station 2018. It can't be real because we DO have the correct permissions and the app works correctly and has for years.
Clover Station 2018
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chanel avatar image chanel commented ·

Hi @Jatin Patel, can you confirm if you've made any changes at all? Where are you seeing this error (in production/sandbox? What merchant?)

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jatin-patel avatar image jatin-patel commented ·
Hi, there are no changes to the app. It runs fine on our Genymotion for all Android apis. We are talking about production app. The merchant name (we've had others) is: Pops Italian Beef 1201 w Jefferson st shorewood Il 60404. Their merchant id is D6PJYE2QCKPJ1. We don't think this is a merchant specific issue because we've had other merchants have a similar problem.

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jatin-patel avatar image jatin-patel commented ·
Hi, I just confirmed with another merchant that our app works fine on Clover Station apparently this issue only affects certain (more than 1) merchants! Please help.
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Have you every modified the permissions of your app?

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jatin-patel avatar image jatin-patel commented ·
Hi. No. We haven't modified the permissions ever to my knowledge and certainly not in the last 2 years.
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1 Answer

Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered
If all fails,

Try resetting the Clover device itself & see if it helps.
10 |2000

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