
morenoh149 avatar image
morenoh149 asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

What do barcodereceiver app and BarcodeScannerTestActivity do?

I'm trying to learn the clover android sdk. I want to build an app that registers a custom tender with the Sale and Register programs. When my custom tender is selected my app should open and attempt to scan a bar code on the Clover Mini 2nd generation. Once the app scans the code I should send that data to my api via http and display the response from my api and return to the program that launched my clover app.

I see two possible examples for what I want to do and

What does each one do?
barcode scanner
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
Hello. I deleted one of your other questions about the barcode scanner so we can try to keep your questions pointed and in one place.

The barcode scanner on Clover devices uses the camera. In a nutshell, you register a broadcast receiver to receive the scan data, then start the scanner using the BarcodeScannerBarcodeScannerTestActivity, and the barcodescanner example apps are the right place to start as they do exactly that: register a receiver, start the scanner, then display the scanned code on the screen.
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