Issue: Clover's tax calculation has an issue in rounding it to nearest value, it behaves differently in our below cases:
- In Row 2 we calculated tax with 4 digit accuracy $33.6158, logically it should round to $33.62, but clover calculate it to $33.61 (its not correct)
- In Row 13 we calculated tax with 4 digit accuracy $21.7192, logically it should round to $21.72, but clover calculate it to $22.72 here clover work fine
- In Row 7 we calculated tax with 4 digit accuracy $14.1049, logically it should round to $14.11, but clover calculate it to $14.11 here clover work ok
- In Row 5 we calculated tax with 4 digit accuracy $11.7147, logically it should round to $11.72, but clover calculate it to $11.71 (its not correct)