
pradeep avatar image
pradeep asked David Marginian Deactivated commented does not show the display screen in react native

This is in device Clover Flex.
I have a react native app, in which I have added a button component developed in android. On the touchlistener of Android, I am calling

The issue is that the sale screen is not displayed. I have noticed that if I tap the button rapidly between 20-30 times, sometimes the screen does get displayed.

React-Native uses api version 28, so I compiled ReactNative from source and set its targetSdk to 22. I could not change compileSdk of React because it uses some libraries of the later sdk.

If I create a new Activity and put the button in that, the screen *is* displayed. However, I do not want to add an extra screen just for this issue.
Clover Flex
10 |2000

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SAMSA Web Team avatar image SAMSA Web Team commented ·

Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the exact same issue.

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whosbuddy avatar image whosbuddy SAMSA Web Team commented ·

Were you able to solve this SAMSA Web Team ?

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1 Answer

pradeep avatar image
pradeep answered SAMSA Web Team commented
No, I had to use an intermediate screen. I was hoping that future releases of clover would fix it, but apparently it has not.

i have not yet got a reply from clover regarding this
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SAMSA Web Team avatar image SAMSA Web Team commented ·

I can't even get the pay screen to show when using an intermediate screen and button. Would you by chance have your app or part of your app up on github or somewhere were I could see what you did? Thanks.

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