Our application needs to use the permission of "clover.permission.POP_CASH_DRAWER". According to this link
https://docs.clover.com/announcements/release-not... we change the permission to "<uses-permissionandroid:name="clover.permission.POP_CASH_DRAWER_NEW" />". However in the generated .apk file, there are 2 permissions :
"<uses-permissionandroid:name="clover.permission.POP_CASH_DRAWER_NEW" />"
android:protectionLevel="0x0" />"
When we submit the .apk file for review, a reviewer told us that this new .apk file was failed to install because an existing application has owned the POP_CASH_DRAWER already.
We have no idea about the issue because we followed the instruction of the release note above. Please advise us what else we should do.