
dano32 avatar image
dano32 asked preeti123 commented

Used equipment

If I purchase a used station off of eBay, can I have it programmed for my restaurant? I already use clover. We have a mini and want a bigger screen. Just want to exchange mini for a bigger screen.
Clover Station
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laurengroce avatar image laurengroce commented ·

According to my geometry dash subzero, it is possible to buy a used Clover POS system, but it is not recommended. Clover machines are sold with a merchant account contract which cannot be separated from the machine itself. If you buy a used Clover POS from someone who doesn’t give you the merchant account details, the machine is useless. Additionally, Clover designs the architecture of its systems to prevent unauthorized modifications, so altering a used Clover POS is not possible.

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preeti123 avatar image preeti123 laurengroce commented ·

If you need any assistance related to mobile app and site reach out to Carmatec

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zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered
No, you would need to purchase your own production device.

For future questions:
This forum is a space for developers to ask technical questions with regards to Clover App Development and the Clover Platform. If you are a Merchant, here are your resources: or

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Jonathan Ryan Grice avatar image
Jonathan Ryan Grice answered
As I think I understand it, you would have to make sure the device was initially provisioned for the processor you use for security reasons. I don't think it cannot be reprogrammed by another processor.
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dano32 avatar image
dano32 answered Jonathan Ryan Grice commented
All I want to use it for is the Ordering side. no payments.. We have a separate card processor.
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Jonathan Ryan Grice avatar image Jonathan Ryan Grice commented ·

Are you talking about entering item count when checking in orders? I'm not suppose to advertise, but search for my name and inventory and you should come up with just that solution. And best of all, no risk of getting a bricked device.

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