We ordered a Clover Station Demo and want to connect to sandbox or test environment so we can bring to shows, demos, test environment,etc. Being told it is not possible. What does one do with the demo station then?
We ordered a Clover Station Demo and want to connect to sandbox or test environment so we can bring to shows, demos, test environment,etc. Being told it is not possible. What does one do with the demo station then?
We ordered it through Merchant Account on Ignite. Missed the part where it said enter all zeros in the Merchant ID area when ordering a Clover Station Demo.
How did you manage to get a demo Station device? Clover is not allowed to disassociate production devices due to the legal contract the merchant has with their ISO, it would be best to call the ISO's customer support to figure out how to move forward (and disassociate it from the live merchant account).
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