{"items":[{"item":{"id":"3DFXQ6NS2QKDY"}}]}I am using the API tool here https://www.clover.com/api_docs/ to test it out and it responds with a status code 0.
{"items":[{"item":{"id":"3DFXQ6NS2QKDY"}}]}I am using the API tool here https://www.clover.com/api_docs/ to test it out and it responds with a status code 0.
//Request body example { "items": [ { "item": { "id": "VDR2QYCABGV9Y"}, "price": 350, "name": "Pizza Slice" }, { "item": { "id": "DQ22K8Z8RQGGC"}, "price": 200, "name": "Fountain Drink" } ] }
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