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zedwick asked Miguel Deactivated answered

Manual Transactions and Tax Rates

I am trying to build some manual transactions using developer pay. The payment seems to be working fine, but the tax rates are not. My model is a manual transaction, but I can't get the tax rates to "stick". The tax amount works fine.

If have tried the following.

  1. Add the following to the payment request, both with and without the "elements" layer:

{ "taxRates":{ "elements":[ { "taxableAmount":234, "isDefault":true, "rate":825000, "name":"Denton County", "id":"FZ5MA17KDFCQC" } ] }

  1. Add that same entry to the order itself, using the v3 api.

  2. Add this entry to the payment AFTER I get "SUCCESS" back to the v3 api. { "taxRates":{ "elements":[ { "taxableAmount":234, "isDefault":true, "rate":825000, "name":"Denton County", "id":"FZ5MA17KDFCQC", "paymentRef":{ "id":"845G9BCZD7YDC" } } ] } }

Why won't the tax rates show on this manual transaction?

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