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c716524 asked c716524 answered

Possible bugs when retrieving subscription information from merchant

In my Clover Android App currently under development, I am checking with the sandbox environment to get the current subscription of the merchant in order to show subscribe buttons only for those tiers that are not subscribed at the moment. Basically I am using code from the example app:
AppSubscription subscription = app.getCurrentSubscription();
Log.d(TAG, "subscription, name: " + subscription.getName());
Log.d(TAG, "subscription, label: " + subscription.getLabel());
Log.d(TAG, "subscription, description: " + subscription.getDescription());
The information returned differs between Clover Mini and Clover Mobile (I have both devkits):
Log output on Clover Mobile:
subscription, name: STANDARD Label
subscription, label: STANDARD
subscription, description: STANDARD Desc.
Log output on Clover Mini
subscription, name: STANDARD
subscription, label: STANDARD
subscription, description: STANDARD Desc.
So the subscription's name should basically be "STANDARD", but I added "Label" and "Desc." in the input fields on sandbox pricing options to see how the fields are used in App Market etc. Later I removed "Label" from the label field in the pricing screen of sandbox. Now I see two weird things:
1) On Mobile "STANDARD Label" is returned when calling getName and for getLabel I get obviously the name.
2) Although the "STANDARD Label" has been shortened to "STANDARD" in the Clover sandbox interface (a few days ago), it still appears when called on Clover Mobile.
3) Clover Mini shows correct values. Why is Clover Mobile different?
I use the same merchant for both devkits.
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1 Answer

c716524 avatar image
c716524 answered
In the meanwhile also Clover Mobile devkit retrieves the values like Clover Mini (i.e. correct), probably through a delayed a database update (which is also not a good explanation because Mini and Mobile should retrieve information from a common database)
I would recommend Clover dev team to check this on their side.
10 |2000

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