
Conrad McLean avatar image
Conrad McLean asked Conrad McLean commented

Creating a customer using ACTION_START_CUSTOMER_PROFILE

Can I create a customer using this intent? According to the documentation, I need to pass in a customer ID when using this intent.

EXTRA_CUSTOMER_ID - The UUID of the target customer (Required)

I want to be able to launch the customers app and create the customer there or not. I don't want to create an "empty" customer using the API just to get an ID so I can launch the app. I'm concerned that if I do that and the user never completes the creation of the customer I can have all these empty customers left in the system.

Appreciate input and suggestions. Thanks.

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Conrad McLean avatar image Conrad McLean commented ·
@Jeffrey Blattman do you have any advise/clarification on my issue? Thanks.
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
No that intent cannot be used to create a customer. Use CustomerConnector.createCustomer() in the SDK for that purpose.

You can always create your own new customer form and have whatever logic you like as to when it saves / creates a customer.
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