
mendozamt avatar image
mendozamt asked mendozamt answered



I'm new to Clover intergrations and recently a receipt started printing automatically when completing a sale, this is in addition to the customer receipt prompts. Is there a way to stop the receipt from printing? I tried the DisablePrinting sale request transaction setting but the receipt is still printing.
I'm using the Clover SDK for JavaScript integration V1.4.3.

I'm still using the Clover Mini from the Dev Kit, this additional receipt started printing when the changes for the signatures took effect on my Mini...
Clover MiniREST APISale
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mendozamt avatar image mendozamt commented ·
Hi Greg,

Thanks for looking into this. That setting is unchecked on the Clover Mini, but the receipts still print automatically.

Thank you,

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Greg avatar image Greg commented ·

Hi @mendozamt,

Can you comment here what your sale request looks like, and the code you are using to create it? If there is private information, you can add a private comment (dropdown menu right under the submit button)


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Greg avatar image
Greg answered

Hi @mendozamt,

First, could you check that your device setting is not set up to automatically print? You can set this in the Setup app -> Payment Receipts -> uncheck Automatically print customer receipt after each order. If that does not fix the issue, can you comment here what your sale request looks like, and the code you are using to create it?


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mendozamt avatar image
mendozamt answered
Hi Greg,

It is working now, I was using the example on this page:

const saleRequest = new clover.remotepay.SaleRequest();

Thank you,
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