
devendra avatar image
devendra asked rachel Deactivated answered

Protocol connection issue with Clover Mini device using remote-pay-java-connector-1.4.0 when using java 7

Hi Clover Team,

Our POS system Xstore is currently running on Java 6 and we are trying to integrate Clover mini using Remote pay java SDK. We cannot upgrade java for our POS Xstore as it is not compatible with Java 8.

Can we get Clover remote pay java jar which is compatible with Java 6? What should be our best approach to resolve this issue.
As I said above we not go to Java 8 due to compatibility issue.

Also we tried to make it work with Java 7 ( java version , 64 bit) while using remote pay java SDK 1.4.0 but we are getting protocol version error as in attached text file.
Could you please let us know how can we resolve this issue?

This is a high priority issue, please suggest.

Clover MiniPaymentConnector
protocol-error.txt (1.9 KiB)
10 |2000

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