
aetkin avatar image
aetkin asked langflow answered

Referenced tax rate does not exist: null

I have implemented clover hosted checkout on my website. Everything works ok , both in production and in sandbox until I try to add tax rates.

I have added a tax rate to my merchant account ( attaching a screenshot ),1737979445063.png
and here is the json I am sending to
1737979520643.pngIf I try to add any other amount than 675000 I will receive an error that tax rate of n does not match any of the merchant tax rates.

When I try to create a checkout with that payload, I receive a correct response with checkoutSessionId and the payment URL.
On the checkout page the tax is calculated correctly and is shown in the Tax field for each item, but when I try to pay I receive this error - COS create order failed with exception: 400 Bad Request: [{"message":"Referenced tax rate does not exist: null"}. What am I doing wrong? This is all happening on the clover hosted checkout page, not on my resource.

1737979445063.png (17.5 KiB)
1737979520643.png (22.6 KiB)
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aetkin avatar image aetkin commented ·

Attaching the actual error screenshot.

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1737980161788.png (108.3 KiB)

1 Answer

langflow avatar image
langflow answered

Check your tax settings to insure that the correct tax rate is set. If this doesn't solve the problem, try re-adding the tax rate or updating your system settings.

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