
jamesalice avatar image
jamesalice asked finacussolutions answered

Why are some payments failing to process on my Clover POS?

I've been experiencing intermittent issues where certain transactions don't go through, even though the card details are correct. It happens with both chip and contactless payments (Read more). Could this be a network, hardware, or software issue? Any troubleshooting steps or insights would be greatly appreciated!

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SubtitleEdit avatar image
SubtitleEdit answered

For your Clover POS issues, it might be helpful to keep an eye on your transaction history and make sure your system is up-to-date. If the issue persists, it’s always good to contact support for troubleshooting. In the meantime, if you're working with subtitles or captions, check out SubtitleEdit, a great tool to help with that.

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finacussolutions avatar image
finacussolutions answered

Payment failures on your Clover POS could stem from network connectivity issues, outdated software, or faulty hardware like the card reader. Ensure your internet connection is stable, update the POS software, and check for any hardware malfunctions. Restarting the device or testing with a different reader might help resolve the issue.

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