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yosaro asked

[[Dial 855-216-2925]] To Fix QuickBooks Error H505

QuickBooks Error H505 typically occurs when QuickBooks cannot connect to the company file on a different computer or network, often due to a configuration issue with your multi-user setup. This error is commonly seen in QuickBooks Desktop versions when trying to open a company file located on a server from another computer.

Causes of QuickBooks Error H505:

  • Network Issues: If your network is not properly configured or there are issues with the hosting setup, it can prevent the computers from communicating with the company file.
  • Firewall/Antivirus Blocks: Security software may block QuickBooks from accessing the file.
  • Incorrect Hosting Setup: The hosting settings in QuickBooks might not be configured correctly on all computers involved in the multi-user setup.

How to Fix QuickBooks Error H505:

To resolve Error H505, try these solutions:

  • Ensure that the hosting setup is correct on all systems (single-user vs. multi-user).
  • Check and configure firewall and antivirus settings to allow QuickBooks to communicate freely.
  • Run the QuickBooks File Doctor tool to automatically detect and fix network issues.

If these steps do not resolve the error, you can reach QuickBooks support at 1-855-216-2925 for further assistance.


QuickBooks Error H505 can be a challenging issue in multi-user environments, but with proper configuration and network troubleshooting, it can be resolved. If you’re unable to fix the issue yourself, contact QuickBooks support at 1-855-216-2925 for expert guidance and assistance.

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