
Danielle Cox avatar image
Danielle Cox asked sam Deactivated answered

ServiceCharge from the API

I see this ... Is there any way to do this from the SDK? I tried creating a ServiceCharge object with the ID of the default service charge. This will not allow the orderconnector31 to create the order. Using orderconnector to add a ServiceCharge only takes the service charge id.

Please help :-) (and Happy Thanksgiving!)

ps) How do I add an appropriate topic?
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1 Answer

sam avatar image
sam Deactivated answered
At first glance, OrderConnector seem to only accept existing default ServiceCharge using the service charge id, so you won't be able to customize the percentage or name. If necessary, you could work-around by grabbing the device token `token = CloverAuth.authenticate(MainActivity.this, mAccount).authToken;` then use the REST API to add custom service charge.

You'll find this reiterated by Mark here:
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