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dane asked

Partial Captures in Clover eCommerce API


I’m currently developing an app to integrate Odoo with Clover using the eCommerce API. While testing the payment flow, I encountered an issue:

1. I created a charge for $100 using /v1/charges with capture = False.

2. I then made an API call to v1/charges/{chargeId}/capture with an amount of $70, which was successful.

3. However, when I tried to capture the remaining $30 using the same API endpoint, I received the error message: "Cannot capture a non AUTH payment".

Could you clarify what happens in this scenario?

1. Does Clover only capture the $70 and release the remaining $30?

2. Is it possible to capture the pre-authorized charge in multiple partial amounts?

3. In case, we want to void or release the remaining amount after multiple captures. Could you guide me on how we can achieve this with Clover’s API?

I’d appreciate it if you could guide me on how to achieve this with Clover eCommerce API.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

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